• Reading time:4 mins read
You are currently viewing Cupid’s Missing Arrow

Cupid’s Missing Arrow…

High above the clouds, in the magical land of Everlove, lived Cupid, the little winged boy who helped people find love. He carried a golden bow and a quiver full of special heart-shaped arrows. Each arrow had the power to bring people together, making their hearts glow with warmth and kindness.

One bright morning, as Cupid prepared for his daily flights, he noticed something strange—one of his arrows was missing! His heart skipped a beat. This wasn’t just any arrow; it was his most powerful one, the Golden Arrow of True Love. Without it, some soulmates might never find each other!

Cupid flapped his wings anxiously. “Where could it be?” he wondered aloud. He searched every corner of his cloud castle, under his fluffy cloud bed, inside his shimmering golden cabinets, and even behind his glowing heart-shaped mirror. But it was nowhere to be found.

Determined to find it, Cupid set off on a journey across Everlove. He flew past the Rainbow River, where unicorns drank from the crystal waters. He soared over the Garden of Affection, where the roses never wilted, and lovebirds chirped sweet songs. Yet, his precious arrow was still missing.

Just then, Cupid spotted his best friend, Lily, the fairy of friendship. She was sitting on a large pink mushroom, tying ribbons on a bouquet of kindness flowers.

“Lily!” Cupid called. “Have you seen my Golden Arrow of True Love?”

Lily’s wings fluttered as she shook her head. “Oh no, Cupid! That’s terrible! But maybe you should check the Valley of Lost Things. Many misplaced treasures end up there.”

Cupid’s eyes brightened. “Great idea! Thanks, Lily!”

He zoomed toward the Valley of Lost Things, a magical place where forgotten toys, missing socks, and even lost dreams floated gently in the air. He searched through piles of misplaced items, dodging flying notebooks and bouncing teddy bears. But his arrow was not there.

Feeling disheartened, Cupid sighed and sat on a floating cushion. Just then, a small giggle echoed through the valley. Cupid turned to see a tiny mischievous elf named Trixie, twirling something shiny in her fingers.

“Trixie!” Cupid exclaimed, spotting the familiar glow of his arrow. “That’s my Golden Arrow of True Love!”

Trixie grinned. “Oh, this? I found it near the Love Fountain! It’s such a pretty arrow. I wanted to see if it had any magic.”

Cupid took a deep breath. “Trixie, that arrow is very important. It helps people find their true love! If it ends up in the wrong hands, it could cause trouble.”

Trixie’s eyes widened. “Oh dear! I didn’t mean any harm! Here, take it back!” She quickly handed over the arrow.

Cupid smiled. “Thank you, Trixie. But next time, ask before taking things that don’t belong to you.”

Trixie nodded. “I promise!”

With his precious arrow safely back in his quiver, Cupid felt a great sense of relief. He waved goodbye to Trixie and flew back to Everlove, ready to continue his mission of spreading love and happiness.

And so, with his Golden Arrow of True Love once again in his hands, Cupid soared across the skies, ensuring that hearts everywhere found their perfect match. And from that day on, he always made sure to keep a closer eye on his arrows!

The End!


Follow-up Questions:

  • What do you think would have happened if Cupid never found his Golden Arrow of True Love?
  • How do you think Trixie felt after realizing the importance of the arrow?
  • If you had a magical arrow that could spread kindness, how would you use it?

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