Popular bedtime stories among 6 year old kids

Dragon Dreams

dragon egg
In "Dragon Dream" readers are whisked away on a magical journey through a vibrant world filled with wonder and adventure.The ...

Ready Freddy

ready freddy
"Ready Freddy" is a children's book series about a young boy named Freddy who is always ready for an adventure ...

Cinderella Story

Cinderella story on a magical journey from rags to riches as she dances her way into our hearts with the ...


Thumbelina bedtime story
Embark on a tiny adventure with Thumbelina, a girl born from a flower, as she navigates a big world ...

The Little Mermaid

the little mermaid
Dive beneath the waves with the Little Mermaid and her quest for love in a world above the sea ...

Puss in Boots

puss in boots
Embark on an adventure with the clever Puss in Boots, who uses wit and charm to secure his master's fortune ...

The Frog Prince

Bedtime Story The Frog Prince
Join the enchanting journey of a frog prince and a princess whose kiss unlocks his true identity ...

The Swan Princess

swan princess poem
Be enchanted by the story of a beautiful princess under a magical spell ...

The Magical School Bus

The Magical School Bus
A magical school bus takes Max and Mia on an enchanting adventure, showing them that going back to school is ...

Maya Lost her Birthday
This story was submitted to us by Marcia Faber 

maya birthday
This wonderful story was submitted to us by one of our readers ...

The Lost Puppy

The Lost Puppy
Once upon a time, in a cozy little town surrounded by lush green hills, there lived a curious puppy named ...

Little Robot

Little Robot
Once upon a time, in a futuristic city filled with towering skyscrapers and gleaming technology, there lived a little robot ...

The Magic Treehouse

The Magic Treehouse
In a quiet corner of a lovely village, nestled between rolling hills and a small stream, stood a big old ...

Create Personalized Bedtime Stories and Poems Here

Charlotte’s Web Video

Charlotte's Web Video Story about Friendship ...

Puss in Boots Video

Puss in Boots Video Read the story here: Puss in Boots ...

The Ugly Duckling Video

Ugly Duckling Video Watch on YouTube  ...

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