Dinosaur Camp
Dinosaur Camp
"Dinosaur Camp" is a thrilling and educational series that transports young viewers to a prehistoric world of adventure and learning. Join a group of enthusiastic campers as they unearth fossils, meet lifelike dinosaurs, and embark on unforgettable journeys to the time of the dinosaurs, blending fun with paleontology.
Join our young campers as they arrive at Dinosaur Camp, meet their counselors, and embark on their first adventure - a thrilling dinosaur dig! What will they uncover beneath the ancient sands?
It's a day dedicated to raptors! Campers learn about these agile hunters, encounter a lifelike Velociraptor, and put their speed and agility to the test in a dino race.
Campers catch fossil fever as they search for ancient relics. They'll learn how to unearth fossils, identify different species, and piece together the secrets of the past.
Today, the campers meet Brachiosaurus, the gentle giant of the dinosaurs. They'll help create a giant salad for Brachiosaurus and learn about its towering stature.
Campers take to the skies as they explore the world of pterosaurs. They'll construct their own gliders and watch as the animatronic pterosaurs swoop and glide.
It's a day of friendly competition as campers participate in the Dino Olympics. They'll test their strength, speed, and teamwork in a series of dino-themed challenges.
Campers meet Triceratops and learn about its distinctive frill and horns. But when a Triceratops gets stuck, they'll have to use their problem-solving skills to help.
In this episode, campers discover the world of Stegosaurus. They'll investigate the purpose of its plates and spikes and even create their own "dino defenses."
The campers embark on a thrilling journey to learn about Tyrannosaurus rex. They'll encounter a life-sized T. rex and discover what made it the king of the dinosaurs.
In the grand finale, the campers get a surprise - a chance to go on a time-traveling adventure to witness the dinosaurs in their prehistoric glory. What wonders will they encounter on this unforgettable journey through time?