Riddle for a


Riddles for Kids

Riddle 1:

In the night, I shimmer with grace,

A silvery orb in the sky's embrace.

Riddle 2:

I crawl without feet, with many a leg,

In the garden, I leave a silken thread.

Riddle 3:

With a crown of petals, I stand tall,

In gardens, I bloom, captivating all.

Riddle 4:

I have keys but open no locks,

With black and white, I play sweet talks.

Riddle 5:

With a mane so wild, I roam the plains,

In Africa's heart, where beauty reigns.

Riddle 6:

I'm a planet with swirling storms,

A giant in space with majestic forms.

Riddle 7:

I slither and hiss, with scales so bright,

In the grass, I move with silent might.

Riddle 8:

With branches high and leaves so green,

In forests, I'm a nature queen.

Riddle 9:

I'm a game with squares and a bouncing ball,

A court where players give their all.

Riddle 10:

I'm a dance where feet take flight,

With leaps and spins, a graceful sight.

More Riddles for a 7-Year-Old

Enjoy these riddles and have fun puzzling them out with your 7-year-old! Remember, there's no one right answer, so encourage creative thinking and out-of-the-box ideas. 

Riddle1: I'm a tool with a pointy end and a wooden handle, and you use me to dig in the dirt. What am I?

Riddle2: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

Riddle3: I'm tall when I'm young, and short when I'm old. What am I?

Riddle4: I have a face but no eyes, hands but no fingers. What am I?

Riddle5: I'm always in front of you, but you can never see me. What am I?

Riddle6: I'm black and white and loved all over the world. What am I?

Riddle7: I'm a word of letters three, add two and fewer there will be. What am I?

Riddle8: I'm a type of coat that needs no stitching or buttons. What am I?

Riddle9: I have keys but open no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can't go inside. What am I?

Riddle10: I'm a box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid. What am I?

Riddle11: I'm a fruit with a peel, and I rhyme with "ape." What am I?

Riddle12: I'm a vehicle that flies high in the sky, and I carry people to far-off places. What am I?

Riddle13: I'm a sport played with a ball and a net, and you score points by serving and hitting. What am I?

Riddle14: I'm a place where you keep your clothes organized, and I have drawers and a rod. What am I?

Riddle15: I'm a reptile with a hard shell, and I move slowly. What am I?

Riddle16: I'm a season with falling leaves, pumpkins, and costumes. What am I?

Riddle17: I'm a tool with a blade used to cut paper. What am I?

Riddle18: I'm a game with a board, pieces, and a goal to checkmate the opponent. What am I?

Riddle19: I'm a musical instrument with black and white keys, and you play me with your fingers. What am I?

Riddle20: I'm a red fruit that grows on a bush and is often used to make delicious jams. What am I?

Riddles for 6 year old

Riddle: I have a head, a tail, but no body. What am I? 

Riddle6: I have cities but no houses. I have mountains but no trees. I have water but no fish. What am I?

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